Bigger PS3 Slim Coming Soon; HD2 Hits T-Mobile Nov. 9

2 11 2009


Our friends over at Engadget obsessively cover everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics, which is why we compile this daily roundup of their top stuff (or, at least, what we think is tops). For more details on any of these stories, click on the Engadget links in each story below.

250GB PS3 Slim Pictured in Best Buy
Gamers have been talking about a potential 250-gigabyte model of the PS3 Slim since the skinnier console was first announced. Now, rumor has it that the bigger version of the smaller version of the PS3 (Got that?) will hit the U.S. tomorrow.

HTC’s Touch HD2 Launches on November 9
The DROID has captured the hearts and minds of many, but for those who must stay with Windows Mobile, the HD2 is the next big thing. It launches next week, so get ready.

FireQuery: Firebug optimizado para jQuery

2 11 2009

FireQuery es un complemento de Firefox, que extiende y optimiza Firebug para centrarlo en el desarrollo con jQuery.

FireQuery añade funciones adicionales a la pestaña HTML mostrando datos adicionales de los eventos que se insertan con jQuery.

Fire Query

Todas las expresiones jQuery se presentan en la consola de Firebug + DOM Inspector y los elementos de jQuery se resaltan cuando uno pasa el mouse sobre ellos.

Además, el jQueryify bookmarklet está integrado a FireQuery permitiendo inyectar código de jQuery en cualquier sitio web.

Compatible con Firebug 1.3 o superior.

Descargar | FireQuery
Vía | webresourcesdepot